Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I follow a blog by the name of "Or so She says"(oneshetwoshe.blogspot). This blog was created by two friends. The information that they post is very useful for us women. Usually about every month they have a big Giveaway for their followers. I mean huge where between 4-8 people can win at the same time different types of prizes. Last friday I entered the giveaway thinking that I wasn't going to win (since it has happened before)but to my surprise when I log into the blog sunday night I saw that I was in the list of winners!!! I was so excited. I happen to win a haircut, style and color to Salon Synergy in South Ogden. Its a $130 value and I won it for free!!! I have my own stylist that I go to at MIld to Wild and I hope she doesn't mind that I will be going to this other place because of the prize that I won. I guess we can get lucky once in awhile. Never give up!


Lulu said...

that's great! i never win anything either. have fun at the salon!

Jenny said...

SWEET!-- I am going to try entering more things -- you never know!

Ariana said...

The only time I've ever won anything I wasn't there to claim the prize, so they gave it to someone else. Maybe one of these days.