Thursday, January 8, 2009

Goals for the New Year!

Last year I accomplished some goals. One was to finish the Book of Mormon for the second time, I did it. I was so proud of myself. I also read alot of books from different authors mostly LDS authors. I started having an exercise routine but that always for some reason is left behind. So this new year I started with a new routine of walking and jogging for 20-30 minutes on my treadmill and hopefully by spring I will be able to run outside. I have a friend that has lost weight on this type of training, it is awesome. There is a website for it and they train you for a 3 mile to a 5K. And they say that if you follow their training you can be running 3 miles in 2 months. So today I started and so far so good. Its only 3 days a week for 20 minutes. I will keep all of you posted. Another goal I have is to read all of Doctrine and Covenants, I already started and it is so interesting to learn about the golden plates and the translation that Joseph Smith did so that we could have the Book of Mormon today. Iam also following it with the D&C study guide so I can refer to that if I don't understand something. Another goal is to go to the temple more often with my husband or by myself. This is something we started to do last year frequently but it became difficult with Jorge going to school. Another thing is to save money and keep out of debt, now with the economic times you cannot afford to have debt. We have learned this lesson over and over again.
I hope I will be able to accomplish all these things and more in this new year. I want to draw closer to my Savior and teach my kids about the Book of Mormon and about the Holy Ghost. Today we started to do that and they love to read from their own Book of Mormons that Jorge got them and to learn to feel the spirit. I was able to feel the spirit so strong while I was teaching them that I know for a fact the Jesus Christ loves the children so much and more when they know that he lives and that he will Come Again!!!

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