It started on Friday evening, our good friends The Leavitts invited us for dinner. We had a great time chatting with them. The guys played ping pong and the kids played very well together and Jenny and I just talked about everything. We always have a great time with their family.
On Saturday we had several errands to run plus Jorge had some baptisms to attend to and Braden won a coloring contest for "FAmous Daves" restaurant and so they invited us to come have lunch with "Wilbur the Pig" (their mascot). He won free lunch, I thought they would give the whole family free food but to my surprise we ended up paying for our lunch. We had a great time except Kaylee, for some reason Kaylee is afraid of people dressed up in big costumes so she was upset most of the time until the food arrived and she was eating away and happy. Braden had his picture taken with Wilbur and they gave him a Certificate. He had alot of fun, and he felt very special.
Easter Sunday was a full of family stuff. First we went over to my brothers branch. They dissolved the branch and is a ward now and my brother received the calling of 1st counselor of the bishop plus he was ordained a high priest. He is only 25 yrs old and a high priest already. I felt very proud of my brother, he is a great guys and husband and I know he will do a great job as counselor of the ward. He will soon graduate from Weber University with a Mechanic Engineer degree. I will post on that when it happens. Then we went to my parents branch which is the Emmigration Trail spanish branch here in syracuse. And my dad got called to be the 1st counselor of the branch president. We were able to hear testimonies and feel the spirit of these special members of the church. After all this happened everyone came over to our house to have some dinner and have our monthly family Home evening. We showed Elder Holland's talk from General Conference about our Saviour Jesus Christ and his crucifiction and resurrection. All in all it was a busy but very special sunday for our whole family.
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