Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spagetti Sauce

About 1 week ago my tomatoe plants already where loaded with red tomatoes. I picked the red ones and decided to can them. I made some spagetti sauce with them and it turned out pretty good. The kids helped me with the messiest part of the job, to remove the skin, seeds and cut them into chunks. I was so glad they wanted to help because for one person it could've been a big job. But in about 3hrs I did it all. Next time I want to do salsa, which I think will be this friday because again I have tons of tomatoes.


Ann said...

You are a nicer mom than I. I made salsa on Monday and turned on Finding Nemo so the kids wouldn't help me. It took me all day and I didn't even process it until Tuesday.

Jenny said...

it will be even better this winter when you get that great, rich garden-tomato taste on your pasta!

The McLaws Clan said...

Oh, Oh, Oh, can we help with the salsa? I would love to learn how to make great salsa. Also, we are not sure on how to bottle stuff and this would be great for our food storage, after the talk on Sunday. Well, just let us know. By the way, Katie really loves Kindergarten with Kaylee.