Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our date!

On Friday we planned to go down to the Salt Lake Temple and to have dinner in celebration of Valentines Day. I left around 12pm and picked up Jorge at his work, he got off early so that we could go into the 2pm session. We arrived at the temple and proceeded with the session, which in my opinion was a great experience. It had been a few months since we hadn't had the chance to enjoy a temple session. So I was excited when jorge planned this date for us. The session was amazing because in this temple there are actors that act the scenes of the session. Anyway I felt the spirit so strong and was able to feel the love that Heavenly Father has for us. I felt such a peace of mind about my calling in the YW, that I know that I am doing something right so that our youth in these latter days can be "strong and immovable" in the gospel, I truly have faith that my sweet girls are in the right path to the joy and happiness that they can have if they stay true to themselves and the principles of our gospel.
After the session we went to eat to "The Lion House Pantry". If you have never been there, take the opportunity to go. The food is excellent the atmosphere very quiet and nice to talk to each other. Its a cafeteria type of setup but the food is good and the dessert are to die for. All in all we had a great date, spiritual and fun, rejuvenating for our relationship.

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