Thursday, March 12, 2009

Done with Swimming!

Today was the last swimming lesson. The kids did great, although Braden is still alittle hesitant about certain aspects of swimming. Like for example they would take them all to the deep end holding on to the edge and they would get out of the water and jump in, he wouldn't do it alone, and when he floats on his back, he would get very tense and would not relax. Kaylee in the other hand is a fish, I call her my mermaid. She did excellent and is not afraid at all of what she needed to do. So I received their report cards and Braden is passing to Level 2a and Kaylee to Level 2b. After the lesson they played in the waterpark for about 10 minutes and had tons of fun. Braden would not go down the slide, the teacher had to go with him the first time and then he went down on his own once. Then it was time to go and he started crying because he was too afraid to play in the water. Hopefully next time around he will be less afraid and have more fun.

1 comment:

Jed and Rebecca said...

Well done! I am glad they had so much fun at swimming lessons :) They look so cute in their tiny little swim suits!