Sunday, March 8, 2009

Masterbedroom Remodeled

It has been almost 9 yrs. since we live in this house and we had never taken the time to paint or to really decorate our bedroom. We always focused on the kids rooms but not ours. So yesterday we painted our room, it looks great. I love the colors we chose. We still need to decorate the walls and hang some pictures ect... But overall the change has been very positive, we cleaned out alot of stuff that we had that do not use and it smells like clean and free of dust. I will post more pictures once the decorations are in place. I still need to see what else I want to add to it. the kids also needed to help, Jorge let them paint and write their names on the wall. Th
ey had alot of fun doing that.


Jen said...

You guys have done an awesome job! -- love it -- so rewarding, and nice to have a new room! - Don't you just love fresh new paint?

Lulu said...

i like the color!
i know exactly what you mean about doing the kids' room and never getting to your own. that's how we are right now. but instead of it just being our room, carlos wants to paint all the other rooms too. aahhh!

Ann said...

Yadira - that looks really good. I love the colors!

Jed and Rebecca said...

Oh now I am jealous, not like the jealous need to repent for breaking a commandment jealous, but jealous non-the-less. I love it. You have inspired me to maybe start working on my room. Maybe...maybe! :) I love the colors that you decided on!