Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our first Missionary!

Today at church was the farewell of one of our wards young men. J.J Pullum was called to serve in the Little Rock, Arkansa mission. And today he spoke in Sacrament and his family was kind enough to have an open house in his honor at their home. His dad Bishop Pullum was just realesed as our bishop about 3 weeks ago. So this is a really special family to us and to our ward. They are our cross the street neighbors and we have seen their family grow in number through the years and have seen their kids grow as well in the church. They are a great example to us and they are a great family.. He will be a great missionary and he will be missed and we will anxiously wait for his homecoming in 2 yrs.

1 comment:

Ariana said...

Wow, I knew he'd be going on a mission soon, but that came sooner than I thought! Oh, and Spencer just got his first calling here: He's 2nd counselor in the Young Men's presidency. Exciting huh?