Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cold, Headache, Cough, Stuffy nose

When is this going to be over? We have been sick for almost 2 weeks now. First Braden started with the cough and low grade fever then Jorge started feeling sick last weekend, then Kaylee catched the virus braden had (braden is fine now) and Kaylee is sick, and me, well I was the healthy one out of the bunch and now I am sick with same thing and Jorge is still battling this cold. He stayed home from work yesterday and today went to work but called me around 11 am to tell me that his boss told him he could go home if he was not feeling well. So since he carpools with 3 other people he was not driving his car so I told him I would pick him up. So I went to salt lake and picked him up and we got home and he crashed in bed and hopefully he will wakeup feeling better.
Jorge specially has so many things going on now between school, work, hoemwork, calling that he doesn't rest like he would like to and his body may not be as rested and when he catches a cold he feels miserable. So I hope my honey can feel better soon.


Jenny said...

Hope you guys start feeling better soon! :)

jen said...

No fun! Hope everyone gets better soon and stays healthy!