Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election day!!!

This Election Year for a new president has been exciting. I voted on the first day of early voting this year because I didn't want to wait till today. Right at this moment I am watching the covereage on channel 2 CBS and McCain is ahead, I am so excited that this race is so close that its nerve racking. I hope he wins for the better future of this country. For human rights, our moral values. I voted McCain because of my moral values and my believes of what a family is constituted of and in giving an unborn baby its right to live. And other issues that I don't want to get into. We wiil see who wins tomorrow for sure.


Ariana said...

ugh, elections. the results are not what I was wanting, but thank goodness for the gospel.

Lacei Child said...

Hi!!! Ben thinks since Obama won, the second coming is any year now! He has researched so much on both candidates & is Scared Stiff of Obama! Oh well... Hopefully he is right & the second coming is SOON!!! :) ~lace