Sunday, November 16, 2008

Grandpas Work Christmas Partyyyy!

On Saturday my dad had his work christmas party at Classic Fun Center. Since he doesn't have small kids anymore, he decided to take the grandkids. So we dropped off the kids at classic and Jorge and me went to eat breakfast and to start some of the christmas shopping. It was nice to be alone the two of us, having in mind that the kids were having a good time with their grandparents. They provided breakfast, 2 hours of bouncing, skating, lasertag, ect.. Plus Santa Claus showed up and gave each child a toy (let me tell you, they went all out with the toys, they were cute toys). We then picked them up at around 10am. Kaylee and Braden were so tired.

In the evening we went out againg to the Newgate Mall, just to walk and see the decorations and then we got some takeout from our favorite chinese restaurant, Dragon Hill. And had a quiet rest of the night.

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